汇合, (使)并入;归并;
So battalion forest cost and operating expenses defray merge into liquid assets kind it is reasonable.
——期刊摘选With the adoption of open policies , Latin language codes merge into Chinese Vocabulary in large quantity.
伴随对外开放, 拉丁语码大量进入汉语词汇.
互联网Can one colour merge into another? If yes, what colour will result?
一种颜色与另一种颜色混合在一起 吗 ?如果可以, 那会产生什么颜色 呢 ?
互联网So all good qualities and pure qualities of the Dharmadhatu merge into Medicine Guru Buddha.
互联网Where does this stream merge into the Rhine?
互联网What should be the size of a co - operative when small co - operatives merge into big ones?
又由小社变大社,规模 如何 .
互联网Meanwhile Chinese banks also promote global stratagem actively in order to merge into international financial system.
互联网Stone is to have the order to merge into a pile.
互联网Waves come, arise. fall and again merge into the ocean.
浪来时, 我们就出现了, 浪退去时,我们就被大海吞没了.
互联网Warnings of flood, famine, drought and mass extinction merge into an overwhelming sense of futility.
洪水 、 饥荒 、 干旱和物种灭绝等征候,渐渐化作无法抑制的徒劳感.
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